Evaluation Question 3
What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?
Ideally I would like Bauer Media group to publish magazine, a lot of electronic DJ's are all european and seeing as Bauer Media is based in Germany it would appeal more to european fans who love the genre and magazine just as much as us in the UK. I have Researched Bauer Media and it is an institution that has a broad range of magazines including Q and Kerrang which were very good at inspiring me while creating the magazine they only publish two very disctinctive genre magazines, which is great because all publishing houses that music magazines (except with women magazines) are the biggest sellers and if I was to introduce my magazine to Bauer Media there is a decent probabilty they might accept it because music magazines are a huge seller and they only have 2 magazines thatr they publish in the category of music that both have their own distincitve gnere and they dont cover my genre.
I also thought that if my magazine were to be published nationally, the better option would be a publishing house that is UK based, since they would have more information about here, rather than a publishing house that are not UK based for example IPC Media.
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